Monday, March 7, 2011

XBHP Mega G2G to Lonavala

It was a small ride a round trip to Lonavala. But this time the participation was gonna make it an epic trip.
There were participants from Mumbai, Pune even Nagpur.

It was a sedate ride until the twisties of Amby Valley where everbody who could started scraping there foot rests or whatever else they could scrape. All the riders were fully geared in protective gear and it was a sight to behold.

The Mumbai Leg of the ride began from McDonalds at Panvel, All the bikes assembling slowly.
From xbhp mega g2g

Somewhere enroute all the Mumbai bikers assembled for a photo shoot.
From xbhp mega g2g

From xbhp mega g2g

From xbhp mega g2g

Thats me at Tiger Point Lonavala :-)

From xbhp mega g2g

All assembled at Tiger Point Lonavala.
From xbhp mega g2g

Me with my troupe.
From xbhp mega g2g

Mandatory introduction session for new riders joining the XBHP club or first time G2G riders.
From xbhp mega g2g

The Collection of Helmets at the breakfast stop. More helmets onway :-)
From xbhp mega g2g

More pics at BreakFast stop.
From xbhp mega g2g

Me again at Tiger Point.
From xbhp mega g2g

From xbhp mega g2g

Refreshments and discussions before leaving for home.
From xbhp mega g2g